Monday 10 December 2012


Possible starting points:

Agoraphobia /Bento boxes /Car parks /Dwarves /Egg shells /
Foucault (Michel) /Green houses /Hospitals /Igloos /Jelly/King Kong /Lavatories /Museums /
Nearness /Occupation /Perec )Georges) /Quotidian (the) /Race tracks /Sofa beds /Touching
/Umbrellas /Video /Wonderland (Alice in) /X-ray /Year planners /Zoos



Experiments in space

A one day party-installation-project at the Bussey Building, Peckham on 2nd March 2013
on the topic of claustrophilia.

Claustrophilia; an abnormal desire for confinement in a small space;
the desire to close windows, doors, drawers.

This is a call for talks, papers, installations, games, short plays and art work.

Mark Augé has written that “the three figures of excess [which] characterise the situation
of supermodernity” are an “-overabundance of events, spatial overabundance, [and]
the individualisation of references.” Nice Spread are asking if one of the symptoms
of supermodernity, and spatial overabundance in particular, is a tendency towards
claustrophilia. Has the increasingly limitless world we live provoked in us a desire for smaller
things, nearer things? Can we diagnose a growing need for boundaries, limits and lines, for
containers and curtailment?

We are looking for work that engages playfully and inventively with the topic. The day is a
collaborative effort between an academic and a textile designer so we are just as interested
in work that is tactile and architectural as we are in theory and criticism. We cite the
following as inspiration; The Life Aquatic for its cabin fever and cross-sections, The Shrinking
of Treehorne, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, Ernesto Neto, the Amazing Maize Maze,
Paul Carter’s Repressed Spaces, Mark Augé, Gaston Bachelard.

Deadlines for submissions

Artworks and Installations- 15th Jan 2013

Talks, papers, games, plays- 31st Jan 2013

Send proposals with images if relevant to

Follow us on Twitter @NiceSpread